Cut Down Your Christmas Tree with Warwood Tool's Perfect Axe

Cut Down Your Christmas Tree with Warwood Tool's Perfect Axe

Have Fun and Be Safe by Following These Steps:

Using Warwood Tool Company’s Perfect Axe to cut down your Christmas tree makes perfect sense. Logic always tells us to make sure we have the right tool for the job, and no axe could be more perfectly suited to the happy task of chopping down just the right tree that will adorn the house with the holiday spirit.  Because of its compact size, durability, and top-notch quality, the Perfect Axe is easy to handle and effective to use.  By using the Perfect Axe and following these few steps, you will ensure the fun and safe adventure of cutting down your own Christmas tree this year and for many years to come:

STEP 1: Be sure to wear the appropriate gear.  Sturdy boots, heavy work gloves, and safety glasses all are a must in order to avoid injuries.

STEP 2: Be sure to bring the appropriate cutting tool. Warwood Tool’s Perfect Axe is indispensable and will make quick work of chopping down even a large tree. And don’t forget to keep your axe sharp! Remember that a sharp axe is a safe axe.

STEP 3:  Once you select your tree, be sure to plan your all-important escape path:

  • Think about the slope of the ground and be prepared.
  • Consider the felling zone – the area in which the tree will most likely fall.
  • Get out of the way of the falling tree. The best escape path is 45 degrees on either side of the tree, and behind the tree.
  • Never turn your back on the tree.
  • Always expect the unexpected!



STEP 4: You want to be sure that your tree falls in the direction you need it to. In order to do that, cut your notches as indicated in the diagram below:

  1. Aiming between the knee and waist, swing the axe and create the first notch in the direction you want the tree to fall. Try to penetrate about 1/3 of the way through the trunk, if possible.
  2. Switch sides of the tree, and aim about a foot above the first notch. Again, try to penetrate about 1/3 of the way through the trunk. Stay on that side without switching back, and continue to chop until the tree falls.


Remember:  Be careful! With each deepening of the notch, the tree will become a bit more unstable.  Some trees fall quickly, so be ready to jump out of the way if necessary!

By following these simple steps and safety precautions, you will earn the satisfaction of knowing that your beautiful and festive Christmas tree is there because you chose it and chopped it down…you and your Perfect Axe!


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